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Social Emotional

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the glue that holds these ideologies together. The concept originally began with the idea that students could not focus on learning if their basic needs were not met, and schools could help students meet those needs by providing social services to families. However, this concept has been expanded to include meeting students' emotional health needs, which makes it the perfect vehicle for teaching social ideologies.


To be clear, removing SEL from schools is NOT removing guidance counselors and social services. Guidance counselors are invaluable at helping students and families work through difficult situations, and social services can provide community resources such as mobile dental care trucks, school supplies, and much more. Additionally, schools play a vital role in reporting child abuse and neglect to state authorities. For children struggling with physical and mental difficulties, school administrators should always be compassionate and caring with the expectation that parents will be informed of the situation, except in cases when mandatory reporting to state authorities is required. Supporting children's health needs can absolutely be accomplished without devoting academic time to following an emotions-based curriculum developed by politicized, for-profit companies.


Many school administrators believe that SEL is the answer to rising student issues to include depression, anxiety, and suicide. They will quickly tell parents that removing SEL from schools will be detrimental to students' health and well-being. What parents and taxpayers must understand is that SEL has been compromised from its original intent. It is strategically marketed as meeting student needs, but in actuality is often used to teach ideologies that undermine parent and community values, while creating a generation of activist children. Please see the presentation for full details and examples, as well as major funders of this global education movement.

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